François Dugas: tendresse ~ tenderness Spring Grove
winyang: oatmeal pancakes
Trisha Brink Design: Garden Perspective
littlegirlPearl: Heather Bailey's booth, quilt market houston '09
justmakeit: Mary Jane
Aileen ~: Purpose.
justmakeit: 365/205 Vintage Lingerie Hanging on a Chain-Link Fence
shining egg: birthday treasures
camera shy momma: water lily
.I Travel East.: Bee to the blossom, moth to the flame; Each to his passion; what's in a name?
Pink Pixel Photography (f.k.a. Sunny): ~Life is just a chance to grow a soul~
Aileen ~: By what others say.
sunmamma: a year of mornings 116:365
Melody~s: surely, hope is within...
raehein: Wine is sunlight, held together by water. ~Galileo
asdewalt: Flower 37
Tricia Breidenthal: Fun Sky Ride
*Peanut (Lauren): white light
Donato Buccella / sibemolle: (18) - Points of View
Jenni Holma: It's raining hearts
Aileen ~: On Commitment.