pavelscapture: Snow Day Fun
alfred.hausberger: MacroMondays Biscuits
Alberto Ghizzi Panizza: Emotions in Camargue
Haris Prin: Leucospis gigas
andymoore732: Macro Mondays - Inspired by a Song - Chopsticks (In Explore 10th Jan 2017)
OC Birds: Give Me the Fish !
Titole: Edifice éphémère ***--+°-°-°
Titole: Lanterne chinoise *
Nils Axel Braathen: J77A9910 -- Puffin with some building material in the beak
Eddie The Bugman: My Blue Heaven
gcalsa: The lesson
Titole: Captivante **
profdariocolombo: Pettirosso(Erithacus-rubecula)-12-02-2013
udithawix: Nearest Galaxy #1
Titole: Attraction fatale ****-+°°°-°
Cristian Arghius: Autumn beetle
Prajzner: Lycaena dispar
Bryan Garnett Photography: Swan Silhouette
veravanderwaal: FTK_2848.jpg
ARG_Flickr: The Welsh Mountaineer Approaching Hendre
j man.: Heavenly Hosta
Marcello Bardi: Green Mantis
EmyJSkylark: Blue damselfly
Fabisa00: Coucou, je suis là !
Pog's pix: Female mining bee
Copout2019: Yorkshire Red Squirrel
espada100: Mariquita