doug0013: Juvenile Great Horned Owl
georgehart64: Puffin
patricia.hoedts: Aguila daurada - Aguila real - Golden eagle - Aigle royal - Aquila chrysaetos
miketabak: Red-necked Phalaope
TroChud19: Buzzard 2
1 denis williams: Grey Wagtail
dave harrison143: Redshank.
Elles van Pinxteren: The beautiful nuthatch in the garden
mineral2150: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
SpikeFiftyOne: A pastel morning...
Laura Macky: Phainopepla
Each Moment the Universe: Roseate Spoonbill
ricklebaudour: Male Pintails
jwallphoto: Brown Creeper
mjrauz: Spague's Pipit- rare in California- a real skulker
Bob Gunderson: White-crowned Sparrow
doug0013: Praying Mantis
ricardo00: Hermit thrush in a rush
fromkmr: the spread of Autumn
Sandy Steinman: Snowberry/Symphoricarpos albus
Melinda Young Stuart: Drama in the Sky
pandatub: Marsh Wren
bubble_boy: Burrowing Owl
Cheeka_pics: Black-necked stilt
John McGinty: Northern Harrier
cmlyneis1: Red-shouldered Hawk near Jewel Lake (1 of 1)
Aves Lux: Barn Owl