kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Passing on the Left
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
F/A 18 Hornet Trainer
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Which Way is Up?
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Hard Brake Manuver
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Left Bank
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Inverted Pass
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Hover Flight
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Patty Wagstaff
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Three Abreast
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Pilot Waves to Crowd (zoom in)
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Climb Out
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Knife Edge
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Inverting after Takeoff
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):