hans.viveen: # Nightingale looking for insects....
MukeshPhoto: In deep thought
Deborah Freeman: Parasitic jaeger ..West coast of Vancouver Island
hans.viveen: A video recording of a finch (male), taking a bath in slow motion
Robert in Colombia: Smooth-billed Ani, Crotophaga ani
gilgit2: Winter Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)
gilgit2: Fire-fronted Serin (Serinus pusillus)
Palo_om8pg: Enallagma cyathigerum (šidielko krúžkované)
Palo_om8pg: IMG_5147.jpg
Palo_om8pg: Pachyta quadrimaculata (fuzáč štvorškvrnný)
Palo_om8pg: Očkáň timotejkový
Palo_om8pg: Bzdocha pásavá
Palo_om8pg: Winter Land
Palo_om8pg: IMG_2191-Edit.jpg
MukeshPhoto: BE-AK-2022_2-26-22_61343
MukeshPhoto: BE-AK-20223-1-22_133768
MukeshPhoto: _1A19217
MukeshPhoto: _A749925 CWD-2020 1
MukeshPhoto: CWD_12-4-21_2737
MukeshPhoto: _A740008 BW-2020 1
RGL Photography: Reddish Egret | Egretta rufescens | 2022 - 7
PriscillaBurcher: Yellow-backed Oriole
hans.viveen: Common Moorhen,.......Gallinula Chloropus
hans.viveen: Fighting or singing,..... ?
Gordon Bills: Green Ibis
Gordon Bills: Violaceous Euphonia
MukeshPhoto: _DSC8186
MukeshPhoto: _A9B0220 BW-2020 1
JFP_Birds: Buff-tailed Coronet (Boissonneaua flavescens) - Tandayapa, Ecuador