Fernando Fabião: São João 2017 - 4148.jpg
pedro lastra: Sunset in Coimbra, Camino De Santiago, Portugal.
manfredheinze: Hohenzollernbrücke
LeonCalquin (2): Fiordo Ultima Esperanza / Chile
manfredheinze: Tunnelblick
pedro lastra: Gothic Cloister, Old Cathedral in Coimbra, Portugal.
LeonCalquin (2): Torres del Paine / Chile
LeonCalquin (2): Parque Nacional Torres del Paine / Chile
Samkale Bellacrux: Nada más allá del agua y el aire. Hacia la luz, hacia la nada, lejos de la oscuridad.
Samkale Bellacrux: Hiding in those northern lights
Samkale Bellacrux: Mountain's door
Samkale Bellacrux: La tierra negra
Samkale Bellacrux: Set the controls for the heart of the sun
Travlin/Cindy16: DSC_0146-1
Travlin/Cindy16: DSC_0406-1-2
❖Light❖: DSCF2061
❖Light❖: DSCF1995
❖Light❖: DSCF1988 (1)
michael_hughes: Urban Idylls #12
michael_hughes: Urban Idylls #10
LeonCalquin (2): Pavo Real
holly hop: nothing but weeds..
WilliamND4: Organ Stops
Achim Thomae Photography: Million Stars Hotel
manfredheinze: Gorilla III
pedro lastra: Mr Chen Guanming, a farmer from China, is riding around the globe on a rickshaw. I saw him on the Brooklyn Bridge, New York, USA.
pedro lastra: The Brooklyn Bridge at night with the Manhattan Bridge in the background, New York City, USA.
pedro lastra: Manhattan Bridge, New York City, USA.
pedro lastra: Honey bee in flight gathering pollen from Cannonball Flower, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden.