van.sutherland: Eagle patrol
VS Images: Rainbow Bee-eater
VS Images: Rainbow Bee-eater
VS Images: Welcome Swallow
VS Images: Jacky Winter
VS Images: Nankeen Kestrel
VS Images: Brown Thornbill
VS Images: Black-winged Stilt
VS Images: Spotted Pardalote
VS Images: White-bellied Sea-Eagle
ninadst: Ashy Prinia
VS Images: Australasian Darter
Scuba`Steve`: Female Kingfisher 1 on a cold and overcast day in Leicestershire
Scuba`Steve`: Female Kingfisher 2 on a cold and overcast day in Leicestershire
Tim E. aus B.: Rathaus
Tim E. aus B.: Marktplatz02
Tim E. aus B.: BRV-foggy-night-01
VS Images: Rainbow Bee-eater
Harvey Richards: Mountain Bluebird
Manfred M.: Mönchsgeier - Zoo Münster
Hugh Denholm: OL021518
AchimOWL: Eisvogel (Alcedo atthis) und Tandem der frühen Adonislibellen (Pyrrhosoma nymphula)
ninadst: American Avocet
Ron Riggs: '58 Impalla Convertable
VS Images: Rose Robin
Manfred M.: #3 - Panoz DP01-Champcar - GP Racing - Peter Milavec - Open Class - BOSS GP