van.sutherland: Messier 1, the Crab Nebula
van.sutherland: MyFlickrYear24 Photo
van.sutherland: Sandhill Crane at Bernardo WMA
van.sutherland: Sandhill Crane landing
van.sutherland: Snow Geese in flight
van.sutherland: Sandhill Cranes and Cottonwoods
van.sutherland: NGC2264, the Cone Nebula/Christmas Tree Cluster
van.sutherland: NGC2237, the Rosette Nebula
van.sutherland: Cedar Waxwings on New Mexican Trivet
van.sutherland: Sandhill Crane in flight
van.sutherland: IC405, the Flaming Star nebula
van.sutherland: Western Bluebird (female)
van.sutherland: Western Bluebird (male)
van.sutherland: Cedar Waxwing
van.sutherland: Sandhill Cranes, Corrales, New Mexico
van.sutherland: Western Bluebird on a beautiful morning
van.sutherland: My personal favorite photos from 2024
van.sutherland: The Horsehead Nebula and the Flame Nebula in Orion
van.sutherland: Messier 42, the Orion Nebula
van.sutherland: Red-tailed Hawk
van.sutherland: NGC 7000, the North America nebula
van.sutherland: Dark morph Red-tailed Hawk
van.sutherland: Sandhill Crane at BdA
van.sutherland: Messier 45, the Pleiades
van.sutherland: When the sun goes down, on my side of town...
van.sutherland: NGC281, the PacMan Nebula - Explore!
van.sutherland: Early evening glow on the Sandias
van.sutherland: The Rio Grande is not so grande right now
van.sutherland: Wood Duck drake
van.sutherland: M31, Andromeda Galaxy