@Jontsse: Winter view
Torehegg: Blizzard
dt_images: End of the rainbow
derepy: La Dent de Crolles
alastairpoll: A Snake in the Snow
Shahid A Khan: Panoramic view River Main Frankfurt
DAMON WEST www.damonwestphotography.com: Brandywine Falls 043 BC web
Tristan Shu: Powder with Adrien Coirier
tomweidlein: The quiet time between Christmas and New Year
Jason Frels: Sunrise-Big-Bend-Mountain
jbarc in BC: Three Buttes
RissaJ_23: As far as the eye can see...
Christopher Pope Photography: Llyn Padarn - Llanberis II
koothenholly: M is for Miles Away
julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints: Old Harry and the Lord
Steven Mohr: The Fox Fur Nebula (Sharpless 273), Christmas Tree Cluster and the Cone Nebula (both catalogued under NGC 2264) | LHaRGB
Raphaël Grinevald • Photographe: "Du Cengle au Pic: le massif Sainte-Victoire !". Provence, France.
Ritzelmut: comet_21p_2018_08_18_SonyA7s_ISO3200_180x30sec_200mmF1-8_EQ8_3h-4-30h_02
Blackburn lad1: Europort, Holland
scott.rathbone1: F-35A 15-5125/LF
Mathulak: L'ospédale (C☺rsica)
aberdeenloon: ******+Alberta Scene between Banff and Jasper
CONG1860: 180618-Z-KR642-020
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CONG1860: 180618-Z-KR642-175
CONG1860: 180620-Z-KR642-012