timbalus: camponotus vagus
Mykel46: YIKES!!! I am outa here....
Kangarooo85: Humility
aleshurik: streets of Arseguel...
David Kracht: still dripping ...
brettnickeson: Rest your weary head, child, on the pillows of angels
Anniison: Moss drops sunset
shikhei: dancing frog
Reverse-Macro: Damselfly
shikhei: Sun Bath
shrimpaw: yellow flower
Javier Martínez Morán: Atardecer a 2428
Bernat Beata: love is in the air...
maar345: Plants and animals of Puerto Rico
shrimpaw: gas pump
Sassy1953: DSCN0034
aleshurik: summer dream
David Kracht: parasols, or ...
David Kracht: salt or sugar ...