FotoGrazio: Small window below the gable
mary.fennell: Mendenhall Glacier Juneau Alaska
Storyteller.....: The Details : Piñata
Wilamoyo: On the beach
-Steve Roe-: Shadowlands - Padua.
-Steve Roe-: Church Candles - Padua
adrians_art: Journey into the Unknown
clarkcg photography: Crescent Flight
Rafael Chacon Photography: Rain In The Garden
Storyteller.....: The Details : Apart
Storyteller.....: The Details : Gathering
aleq1463: DSC_0011
luiz2031: Lua e o Cristo
PattyK.: A rainy day
jacques missud: un petit chemin de campagne, dans le Cantal
jacques missud: .une maison du Crotoy ,pleine de charme ,je trouve !
Ole Enes Ebbesen: Erbil smoker
webphotogr: καθρέφτες
paylos2: in-the-hillside-with-fog
Foteini Malli: Roses 1
Foteini Malli: Roses 2
Alex Mand: Entering The Unexpecting
makrismakis10: matrm-2
TAKAGI.yukimasa1: The ensure mask
foteinizaglara: A: 'Αγαλμα
Blue35Photography: 000405280032.jpg
FotoGrazio: Sunshine unfurls