wideeyedwonders: Sunday morning snuggles and sock knitting in bed
ProjectLeasa: Levi, at my grandmas house, sitting in the spot we used to growing up ❤️ #latergram #nostalgic
ProjectLeasa: Sunset on the beach in my home town #sandiego
ProjectLeasa: Silly nieces #sunset #sandiego
wideeyedwonders: Someone was super excited for his very first swimming lesson today!
ProjectLeasa: I bought Levi his first official Lego piece (non duplo). My goodness they are smaller than I remember. And, the fire chief can also fly hydroplanes #obvs
ProjectLeasa: We have the park all to ourselves. And it's a beautiful 72° right now
ProjectLeasa: First time riding the bus. He is so excited! #boymama #transportationlover
ProjectLeasa: Mini terrariums!
ProjectLeasa: Close up of the mini terrariums. They are in small pilsners from ikea
ProjectLeasa: Here comes a few photos of the finished terrariums! These are centerpieces
ProjectLeasa: Close up!
msjordankay: A Pleasant Day in Seattle Poster
ProjectLeasa: Ummm $2.99 ikea stuffed animals and MUSHROOM dress up hats!!! #yesplease! #winning!
ProjectLeasa: We took my dad out to lunch and movie for his bday. And bc I lost the bet we had between the 49ers & packers a few weeks ago #daddysgirls
ProjectLeasa: It's down to low 60°'s today so I got to wear some 'cold' weather clothes. My scarf and coat from Scottland! #ootd #socalseasons
ProjectLeasa: My #handmade mushroom on the right, Michael's store bought on the left. Love them both!
ProjectLeasa: enjoy your dose of whimsy #handmade
ProjectLeasa: The most tedious areas of the mid century modern quilt are pieced! Yay! #quilting #impromptupiecing #nopattern
ProjectLeasa: I got one of these awesome carts from ikea!!!!!
wideeyedwonders: DSC_0045.jpg
ProjectLeasa: Quiet play
rchrispy: EazyC was a bit glitter star obsessed this holiday season. He and grandma decorated all of these plus more on my fireplace. #glitterallthethings #boyscanbeglittermadtoo
rchrispy: And out...Pacifiers, Hohos and churchable's phone playing tunes... Ways they all sleep.
wideeyedwonders: The word that I feel God is calling me to live next year by is GROW. There are many ways I hope this word will manifest itself in my life in the coming year, but these verses are ultimately the cry of my heart in how I want to grow.
wideeyedwonders: My awesome sister just told me that she found these at Goodwill and bought them for me! #bestsisterever
ProjectLeasa: The 3 of us
ProjectLeasa: The cautious boy climbed this rock!
ProjectLeasa: Went hiking at red rock canyon in Vegas. It was supposed to be easy, but it wasn't. Especially for Levi.
ProjectLeasa: Levi is occupied by toys, animals, MIL & SIL. So a little time for mama to crochet. #goodmorning