rchrispy: Happy Birthday πŸŽ‰ EazyC This boy is 6 today. We took him out for sushi and celebrated this morning with pancakes. Churchable made all of this possible I keep forgetting to wrap his presents and give them to him. Tonight we will hand them out.
rchrispy: Power outfit πŸ’ͺ Pre-evaluation for IEP 1st meeting in the process done. So exhausted. It was a full day of accomplishments in this house for all. 1) EazyC got a special lunch with just mommy and daddy a day early. 2) BeQuiet stayed dry at school al
rchrispy: Snake 🐁 Dinner BeQuiet and I managed to show up in the reptile room just in time to see the weekly feeding of one of the snakes. Before that we walked through the insect room, he was super worried that they would get out and touch him. I had to a
rchrispy: Zomg 😎 I lurv it Got my hair cut so the curl shines and went way way lighter. I love it and it will wash and wear well Definitely bold hair for a type 4 #dressingyourtruth #dressingyourtruthtype4
rchrispy: "First day of school" πŸ‘… Games EazyC picked this to play during morning time. We are doing to do soft start until January when the main book is released for our curriculum. #thisishomeschool #homeschoollookslikethis #yourmorningtime #charlottemason
rchrispy: A boy πŸ• his dog Mama, smuggle Wexi, mama! Oh this boy is so me as a kid. I had my Doxie friend who I would take naps in his bed and drag toys into it Thanks to @ekwetzel capturing this perfect picture while she was visiting.
rchrispy: Enjoying a "do nothing day" with picture requests. I'm having a good day after a painful weekend.
rchrispy: My garlic harvest! I planted 1/2 of one of my square foot beds in December. I was worried it would be too damp when time to harvest but it's been a beautiful dry hot-ish week. #rchrispygarden #squarefootgarden
rchrispy: Made 2 little boys happy. I figured out how to hang the hammock for their lightweight rumps. #summerisbliss
rchrispy: Wood 🌲 yards These pilings kept the wood out of the main channel for storage til the saw mills of old could process them.
rchrispy: Paddles πŸ’ͺ power Seeing our county from a different perspective. Our crew this weekend.
rchrispy: Jellyfish 🐚 starfish Everyone wanted to hold the jelly! I didn't find an unattached starfish til the rain started so my phone stayed safe. I can't help but think these were the inspiration for silicon implants.
rchrispy: Hot Pie πŸŽ‚ Candles Flaming Pie or mom didn't realize it was hot. Dad blew it out in one go.
rchrispy: After a great day of bonding with EazyC, he found a painted rock. He told me he needed a picture and we needed to paint rocks and hide them. Thanks to the GH Rocks! Group for the fun.
rchrispy: Happy birthday to my dad! Last year we surprised him in Alaska. This year he is only living 20 minutes away. So we are hanging out with him and doing dinner tonight.
rchrispy: Chased 6 boys ☝ 75 floors Ok only about 60 floors during our 4 mile hike. Then managed the rest just doing usual house stuff once we got home. This is Cascade Falls. If you can spy a scout, I was trying to catch up after hunting down an errant water bot
rchrispy: 3 hours 🚢 not enough miles Today we tramped through the woods with 4 cub/boy scouts and leaders for 3 hours and covering 4 miles of hilly landscape filled with enormous trees. This boy hopped into the fold of a tree and demanded pictures! #lovet
rchrispy: Hearing issues β–Ά Allergy issues Just over 2 years ago, I did a trial to test adding dairy back into EazyC's diet. It went well. No symptoms showed up. Needless to say no one told me symptoms change as they age. We saw a Naturopath who specializes in all
rchrispy: Getting serious πŸƒ about running My old tracker died as I finished Bloomsday race on the 1st. So I upgraded to a Fitbit and decided to get a Garmin watch for trail runs since I love hiking and doing trail runs. Plus I can pay attention to heart rat
rchrispy: Mud pond πŸ˜† when mama's away boys will play In the 5 min it took to wash out the hair dye, they made a lake out of the front garden and were digging in it. #boymom
rchrispy: Probably doing this wrong πŸ”· redoing my color I dyed my hair blue, well it was more green, 6 weeks ago. Time for more color. I'm doing a different blue and my hair stylist trusts me to add it all by myself. Hanging out with the kids whi
rchrispy: Stripes on stripes πŸ‘Ÿ 2nd run done Yesterday I did a 3 mile hike on my rest day. LOL well I woke up not sore so I headed out bright and early in my crazy running tights from the hey June line by @adriannaappl. Plus stripy socks from the yarntini yarn
rchrispy: Happy Mother's Day 🌹 to all mothers. May you rejoice in the babies you can hold and comforted for those you lost. 100% #memademay #mmmay2016 #memademay2016 #mmm16
rchrispy: Good news yesterday πŸŽ‰ I've been cleared to start running again. A year ago I was working up to run but chose to do lifestyle physical therapy for my pelvic floor. I didn't want to take any bad habits into this after getting my shape back post kids.
rchrispy: My little superman πŸ‘‚is getting his hearing tested. We came into see if EazyC had a tongue tie. He doesn't really have one. But he does have a hearing issue oh and a heart murmur. Working out the mechanical issues to him speaking clearly so his frien
rchrispy: New mattress πŸ’€ #loomandleaf
rchrispy: Lace and wool and hemp 🐏 the details of life A simple outfit on a cool spring day. I decided last year to play with lace because of a good friend and I adore this shirt. #mmmay2016 #memademay #memademay2016 #mmm16
rchrispy: Officially done with this election cycle πŸ‘Ž But still loving this shirt πŸ‘ I've had this shirt now for 2 years and it's my most reached for garment. Cozy and it has pockets. Today was laundry folding day and I realized this is one of 3
rchrispy: Me Made May πŸ˜€ selfie trials Yesterday my only handmade item on was my underwear so I spared you the pictures. They are comfy but not pretty. Today was a scorcher for this gray cloud loving gal so I wore my original sample of Alias. My first eve
rchrispy: We made it. My walking partner ate his fill and tanked. I'm ready for food now.