shontz photography: I love this sh*t
shontz photography: Tologa Bay
b00bs17: Seagulls
b00bs17: Lilly
Sappho et amicae: Written in time
kevin s. z: the rider
Theen ...: Glass Sandwich Wall
David Kracht: a bunch of obtuse angles ...
Sappho et amicae: Spring design
L'humoureuse :-): Menfin, n'insistez pas, quand je dis non, c'est NON !
L'humoureuse :-): Même les coeurs de pierre s'aiment.
Stephen_Beaumont: Some work to Do
Stephen_Beaumont: I'll just type up your Bill!
b00bs17: IMG_9659
b00bs17: IMG_9937
b00bs17: lightning1
b00bs17: IMG_0100
b00bs17: coffee_duo
b00bs17: IMG_0676
b00bs17: IMG_0852
kiko65000 On and Off: DELUGE DE LUMIERE
MedicineMan4040: Camera on Pole Technique
Theen ...: Red Tail
Ming - chun ( very busy ): Japan Kyoto . 日本.京都 新京極通(しんきょうごくどおり) 夜晚的新京極商店街 DSC_5588