@macro_action: Come here starling, give us your worms
charcoal soul: Zoé sunbathing
charcoal soul: Heart Shaped Sunglasses
blythegran: at least the lovely sunshine can cheer us all up !
Mrs. Rosewell: Barbie says - NHS Thank you X
Bridget_FaerieGirl: #QuarantineLife Glam Garbage
Tee-Ah-Nah: Ashlynn Tate
Blondeactionman: Exterminate!
Blondeactionman: Two Million views!
Blondeactionman: Joe and Teresa
Blondeactionman: You track what?
Blondeactionman: So what do you think?
Blondeactionman: Can you make that shot?
Blondeactionman: wheres Teresa?
beatbooks: 18/366 ~January 18 2020
Midnight and me: It's Not Funny and you've been caught
firehouse.ie: Snoozing Saxon
firehouse.ie: Dobermann “Down Time”
Edorta Kartiber On-Off.: Xaria y los cisnes...
Haruki Imashima botsu-neta: おれんじえひめに乗ります!
orangecapri: . . . RIP George
MissingBeagle: 點點 gobble up jerky
dgwphotography: Daaaaaaaaaad....
Neil Stalker: R. KELLY...
ladythorpe2: Max and rope toy,
CornflowerBlue07: ADG Pow Wow Poncho
Devall Paul: Lockdown - What day is it?
whitbywoof: 180906 Dogs-0116
firehouse.ie: Dobermann Pinscher Saxon