Rafael Zenon Wagner: Land of the Dragon
MarjieM777: Where's Waldo?
RGL Photography: Great Horned Owl | Bubo virginianus | 2024 - 11
mjspelman1: Eastern Chipmunk (Tamias striatus)
avifawner: Thick-billed green pigeon (male)
Rob & Amy Lavoie: Here I come
tomaszberlin: Ruff - (Philomachus pugnax) - batalion, bojownik
Mac Meade: P1090691
James Webb Space Telescope: NGC 4449 (MIRI)
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA's Webb Captures Celestial Fireworks Around Forming Star
James Webb Space Telescope: NGC 3627 (Chandra/Webb/Hubble composite)
Mac Meade: P1090689
Mac Meade: P1090530
manjunath.byakod: Coppersmith barbet
Anna Bronikowska: Snow time
ElectroClown: 649,739
Misty Garrick: 019. Cookie electric blanket
Fantasyfan.: 20190317_6536c
zczillinger: Rome Italy
Tj & Jo: Eastern Meadowlark
pierre.pruvot2: Raton surmulot (rattus norvegicus)
clickraa: Familienplanung-91152
Cláudio Dias Timm: Galo-da-serra (Rupicola rupicola) macho
Halvor Roe: Cranes at Hornborgasjön Sweden
Doug Lawley: Snow Buntings
Christy Hibsch: Shaking it off