{impossible princess}: princess touched candles with a golden magic stick.. they turned into Socrats!
decemberwind12941: Sunset - Hanoi - Viet Nam
¡arturii!: Manarola.
..axinha**: Catherine {At home}
...storrao...: terceiro esquerdo
gorbot.: floating in the sea
42zx: 263
James Neeley: Peaceful Morning
Akhil Sangaonkar: pattern of nature
A Picture is Worth ---: The Hills of Kentucky
- Etude -: Glitter
rod.hig2010: DSCF2505
.brianday: The Heidelberg Fires
Helmut Reichelt: Hinter dem Wirtshaus
Brestitude: _4LN9075 et ça continue
Marcin Kubiak: 14012401003
sinetempore: Tra le righe - Between the lines.
benchorizo: Chicago High
saguarosally: Coolidge Water Tower
AlbOst: Farmland.
john f Murphy: Old-fishing-boat-Dungeness....Explore
YvonneKnitsKnots: Kiwi (Explore)
Oliver Astrologo: Istiklal Street
Alan E Taylor: Fence at Blea Tarn