..axinha**: 48th floor - Manila. Feb´19
..axinha**: Santiago de Compostela. Dec,19
..axinha**: A portrait from Bagan #thisisburma
..axinha**: Shadow world
..axinha**: This is Dublin
..axinha**: [ Arianna ]
..axinha**: [ Olas ]
..axinha**: [ Fume ]
..axinha**: "The earth has music for those who listen"
..axinha**: [ en las nubes ]
..axinha**: { About Today }
..axinha**: [ follow your own path ]
..axinha**: “Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair"
..axinha**: The boy with the green and grey eyes.
..axinha**: "When she awoke, the world was on fire.”
..axinha**: {Vanesa}
..axinha**: { The Island }
..axinha**: { It's Dublin}
..axinha**: { Yas }
..axinha**: “Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.”
..axinha**: “In the winter she curls up around a good book and dreams away the cold.”
..axinha**: “She was like the moon, part of her was always hidden away.”
..axinha**: ...and now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been...
..axinha**: The storyteller
..axinha**: {One day I will fly away} V.2
..axinha**: {One day I will fly away}