Geoff Livingston: The National Cathedral
uw67: Am Rhein
Karine EyE: Vista a los cuernos
Federico Antonello: Cutting the Fog
lancelottif: 2017-02-05_09-42-15
MrBlackSun: Deep Purple
Vagelis Pikoulas: Winter on the mountain
jason_frye: Muted Ripples... Capers Island, South Carolina [Explored]
cowgirlrightup: Like Snow Off A Bison's Back
dasanes77: C.A.S. Reflections II. [Explored & FP 02-04-2017]
ArztG.|Photo: when silence quides your minds
Lee Sie: Timeless
tresed47: Yellow Mum.
San Francisco Gal: Verna A II
Dominic Marcoux: Great Gray Owl landing
Massimo Greco *: La danza dell'Airone bianco
Marco Restivo: Sant'Agata & Etna
andy.muir12: Kimmeridge
RaulHudson1986: Death Valley
Fakrul J: Fairy Pools in Moskenesøya
Guy Schmickle: Oak Creek
Jim.J.H: Fog and Rays
Peter Hill1: Fagrifoss With Rainbow
mcalma68: Roman Classic (Explored 8-11-2016)
dasanes77: 10.000 Thanks¡ [Explored & FP 11-08-2016]