Lisa Leggett: Doodle Flowers
septemberhouse: doodle stitch sample for swap
You Go Girl: Winter Doodle
You Go Girl: Sunshine Doodle
merwing✿little dear: Doodle Stitch Along 2!
m3lissaG: 1105091344
Pins and Needles: My knitted blanket
EraPhernalia Vintage . . . [''playin' hook-y''] ;o: Desert Sand scrubbies & washcloth with labels
Lisas Welt: Täschchen
Candice Dunlap Miller: Noro Hexagon Blanket
leaandlars: patchwork duffle bag
allthecolors: Two tone country socks
oma Tam: 241 Tote
stripeymonkey: giant granny 9
muustare: African flower ball with rattle and lamb's wool
ghosthearts: noro granny square blanket
Gayle Brindley: HAL on the Wall, 8.31.11
crochetbug13: Cookieghan 2.0 in midmorning light
BirdonaBicycle: P1050359
elnorac: Paula Sewed This Masterpiece!!! 9 1/2" X 7"
elnorac: Prettified Pincushion
pattycrochète: Baby Happy Colors Blanket
uju1960: Pendientes de botones
QBStitchified: Quilt-as-you-go zip pouch
ToniaO-R: DSC00362
danielleg71: Babette
Lisas Welt: multi color flowerbedspread
mosteringalisa: owlbabies
AntaraCeletna: The Japo-nes shawl
angela8626: Winter Wreath