oma Tam: my Cotton & Steel tote bag
oma Tam: reverse side of my Cotton & Steel tote bag
oma Tam: the extras
oma Tam: the gorgeous pillow from Kari!
oma Tam: the hidden zipper
oma Tam: PS4S- the back
oma Tam: PS4S- the front
oma Tam: Lola pouch
oma Tam: needle book & pincushion
oma Tam: needle book & pincushion
oma Tam: sewing kits sent
oma Tam: The cute drawstring pouch I received from Ruth!
oma Tam: The snow is really piling up on the trees!
oma Tam: A very wet snow- really coating the trees and washline
oma Tam: Here we go again! 2.9.2016
oma Tam: PS4S partner- should I sew these down like this
oma Tam: PS4S partner- do you like this-
oma Tam: sneak peak for Ruth!
oma Tam: after shoveling off the roof
oma Tam: I'm glad I could get out the front door
oma Tam: view from the roof- of what awaits me...
oma Tam: the roof
oma Tam: I have a plan...
oma Tam: PS4S partner- do you like this type of "scattered"" layout on the left?
oma Tam: PS4S partner- which stlye do you like? (The bottom right would be in "your" colors)
oma Tam: partner- is this going in the right direction?
oma Tam: some favorite pouches & drawstring bags
oma Tam: Partner- how are these colors?
oma Tam: our year ~2015
oma Tam: My bargain- 50% off this kit!!