kennethlcrow: Don - Bahrain Headshots -
phantomfgr2: McDonnell F-4M Phantom FGR.2 XT910 E 74 Sqn 23-09-92
Bernie Condon: Her Majesty's Ship Queen Elizabeth
PeterThoeny: Big mouth Tower Bridge
kennethlcrow: The Watch
Glenn R Parker: Snowy Owl, female
PeterThoeny: The piñata rocket man
PeterThoeny: At last, time for contemplation
karenblakeman: Challenge Friday, week 49, theme ecclesiastical (1) - The Rev James ale at Waitrose
NightAddict: Red 7 - Converted Buchon HA-1112-M1L
Luke Agbaimoni (last rounds): Waiting in the rain - South Kensington
miss.interpretations: Vulnerability
m. geven: Dunnock (Prunella modularis)
miss.interpretations: Darkened Roads
mpakarlsson: Disco dance girls
David Parody @dparody on Insta and Twitter: Royal International Air Tattoo 2017
Vitor Pina: throught the glass train
PeterThoeny: Lost in the mist
John Hallam Images: Sunbathing, Brown and Shades of Grey, Santorini Details 78
G.J.E: img642
Brian P Slade Photography: Heron In The Morning Mist
Owen Tudor: Prospect Park
jameslf: Reading Underpass
Steve Franklin Images: Rowing eight
Dennis van Dijk: Food for Thought
PeterThoeny: It's a bit heavy!
Neil Bates AirTeamCanon: "Diving in!!!" ZA453/022
Agustí Sentelles: Lluna creixent.