off white photography: • blue sky not required •
kexplive: Small Black
Deb Evans Braun: headed back home
kexplive: Shout Out Louds
kexplive: Shout Out Louds
Deb Evans Braun: no right and no wrong - only forward
Deb Evans Braun: my life has grown, not straight up tall like a pine, but twisted and splayed like a desert shrub, this way and that as the wind shifts, crazy turns, arms akimbo, bleached by the sun.
kexplive: Metz
kexplive: Metz
whittier sam: Man with Hat and Glasses
whittier sam: Making It by Push and Pull
whittier sam: El Veterano
whittier sam: Snap and a Miss
whittier sam: Even when he's close he's not there
whittier sam: The Wait
calimex: Poetry is the shadow cast by our streetlight imaginations.
calimex: California (Coast Live Oak), reaching out.
calimex: In transit. Spirits in the city, wandering together...
calimex: In transit. Sun and Bay...
©arlein: the 4:50 from Paddington
Dimitris Karathanos: Gimme Danger, Little Stranger
SawtoothLifeform: Precipice.
SawtoothLifeform: Lifeless.
nejmenší: Along a cold Sunday ride...
Shaun Swalley: Untitled - #self