poppybay: “I am out with lanterns. Looking for myself”. ~Emily Dickinson
poppybay: In Hiding
poppybay: Immersion
poppybay: Fragile/Defense
poppybay: A Constellation of Vital Phenomena (Anthony Marra)
poppybay: Steeping
poppybay: Fear Less (second iteration)
poppybay: Go Back To Your Roots
poppybay: Healing Light
poppybay: Rebirth
poppybay: Objects of our Affection
poppybay: Disappearing Act
poppybay: Unconventional Desires
poppybay: Interwoven Destiny
poppybay: I alone do not exist
poppybay: Precipitate as Weather
poppybay: When I discover who I am, I’ll be free
poppybay: Growing Wings
poppybay: Past, Present, Future
poppybay: Chakra no.2
poppybay: There's a starman waiting in the sky He'd like to come and meet us But he thinks he'd blow our minds There's a starman waiting in the sky He's told us not to blow it Cause he knows it's all worthwhile #bowie
poppybay: Box full of Darkness
poppybay: The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace. ~Mahatma Gandhi
poppybay: Two sides to every story
poppybay: You can't trump me
poppybay: Consent Matters
poppybay: The Water of the Revolution
poppybay: Our bodies are not a Democracy
poppybay: Resist
poppybay: Light squared (Reflection in the city challenge)