LesPauly: Melanargia Galathea
LesPauly: Contro ogni logica...
aleshurik: the letter..
A_sin 1968: DSC_8598
Matthias.Kahrs: Eisvogel (Alcedo atthis)
shapeshift: Billowing Colors
billoddie3: Pintail Anas Acuta
billoddie3: Nuthatch Sitta. Europaea
PETEJLB: Red-necked Grebe
C.PEDRIALI 75: Al tramonto
egidioalpago: Lio Piccolo
egidioalpago: Lio Piccolo
Bob Eade: Wood White (Leptidea sinapis).
Judylynn M.: Portrait Of An Ocelot !!!!!!
leonardo manetti: stonechat
iwona_podlasinska: Zakopane (the ride)
PeterBrannon: Hunter in the Shadows
PETEJLB: European Roller
wonglp: Winter Wonderland - Gardens by the bay
Helgi G Sigurdsson: hgs_h2_000504
OC Birds: Peregrine Falcon
PETEJLB: Northern Shoveler
Judylynn M.: Time Out to Rest !!!!!!!!!!
dorolpi: Avispa. Wasp. Podalonia tydei.
wonglp: Winter wonderland