Wendy:: Nigella + macro bug
KB RRR: A Columbine in Silhouette.
r-91: Dandelion gone to seed in Point Pleasant Park
donna leitch: flottant
Miguel Angel O.F: Mar de Marzo
masadle: Wet
Macthia: Good night
jadeflute: clouds
jadeflute: forked road
jadeflute: Milky Way.
jadeflute: Antelope Canyon 1
jadeflute: Antelope Canyon 8
jadeflute: Antelope Canyon 10
jadeflute: Yellowstone3
Rosemarie Crisafi: *********Orchid Light
KB RRR: Wild Crocus
Xenofon Levadiotis: Pieris rapae
Darrell Duke: Not A Single 4 Leafer
norasphotos4u: Active Assignment Weekly IMG_3065.jpg
Daru Photography: Midnight In Her Eyes
James Benoist: Colorful splash
Wendy:: chicken and egg situation
hrunge: Narcissus De Trompetter - Lentegeel 2
Wendy:: between the showers of hailstones yesterday!
norasphotos4u: Macro Mondays - Topic - Ethereal IMG_2893-2.jpg
andy_porter69: grass bokeh
Ercan Akkaya: Pilatus_MG_9110
Macthia: Occhio per occhio
etakatsuki: Water Drops