Doug Gochfeld: IMG_8406
Dug Threewitt: Scissor Tail Flycatcher
tjonesphotos: Mottled Duck
Wildreturn: Connecticut Warbler Crazy
tjonesphotos: ANHINGA
Terathopius: Mangrove Rail, Cabo Frio, Brazil
chrysoptera: Red-footed Booby
Dug Threewitt: Loggerhead Shrike
Aquila-chrysaetos: CRYSTALLIZED ASPEN
Scott A. Young: Redpolls on pg. 532-33, The Sibley Guide to Birds.
gsphotography145: Poking a dead deer carcass
chrismo15: Yellow-billed Shrike, Brufut Woods, Gambia, Jan 2014
gsphotography145: Great Black-backed Gull - first cycle
gsphotography145: Great Black-backed Gull (on the right lifting wings!) - first cycle
gsphotography145: Great Black-backed Gull - first cycle
Linda Chittum: 2013-8692
gsphotography145: Birding at Sunset
raulvega: Tangara Cabecicastaña (Pavito) - Bay-headed Tanager - (Tangara gyrola)
lowens311: Northern Shrike St Joe MO
lowens311: prairie falcon st joe mo
gsphotography145: Rough-legged Hawk
gsphotography145: Rough-legged Hawk
Christian Hagenlocher: Painted Bunting
Daniel Behm Photography: Connecticut Warbler
magnificentfrigatebird: Looking for Black Rails
gsphotography145: Eastern Phoebe
Paul B Jones: Scissor-tailed Nightjar - Hydropsalis torquata
Paul B Jones: Herbert Lake - Banff National Park
Doug Gochfeld: Rustic Bunting