Scott A. Young: Zabulon Skipper
Scott A. Young: Clamp-tipped Emerald
Scott A. Young: Red-spotted Purple
Scott A. Young: Horaces Duskywing
Scott A. Young: Grey Hairstreak
Scott A. Young: Monarch Caterpillar
Scott A. Young: Wilsons Warbler
Scott A. Young: Arrow-shaped Orbweaver
Scott A. Young: Traffic Jam
Scott A. Young: Monster SWP
Scott A. Young: Chicken of the Woods
Scott A. Young: SWP 8 leaved
Scott A. Young: Burl Hugging
Scott A. Young: BO feeding kid
Scott A. Young: BO Dull Male with kid
Scott A. Young: Bobolink
Scott A. Young: Bobolink
Scott A. Young: Bobwhite
Scott A. Young: Bobwhite
Scott A. Young: Swamp Darner
Scott A. Young: Sandhill Crane
Scott A. Young: Baltimore Oriole
Scott A. Young: Baltimore Oriole
Scott A. Young: Spicebush Swallowtail
Scott A. Young: Purple Martin
Scott A. Young: Purple Martin
Scott A. Young: Caspian Tern
Scott A. Young: Purple Martin
Scott A. Young: Bobolink
Scott A. Young: Walleye 8 lbs