Kelvecion: Red Squirrels
hawk person: lineated woodpecker
ChristianMoss: First melanistic lizard of the year.
eScapesOttawa: Precarious Perch Pygmy Owl - Anton Valley, Panama
adecoleman: An Otter with fish for breakfast
Oeil Sauvage: Renardeau dans la forêt enchantée
nigel kiteley2011: Little Grebe
Léo Denoual: Goéland marin
StewartMFC: Red squirrel
Loïc Le Comte: Tarier pâtre - European Stonechat (Saxicola rubicola) - Marcheprime - Croix d'Hins (Gironde) France, le 1 avril 2019
Slow Turning: That Faraway Look
Brad’s_Art: Frog in the Woods
Fen Photos: Roe Deer.
David Lea Kenney: Iguana Portrait
Tuffy Robson: Sparrowhawk. female...
Tami Hrycak ッ: Red Shoulder Hawk
Mister Oy: TIGER!
Co lennings2011: Amsterdam
Hannu Tervonen: Blackbird _5310
Nature birder: Elegant Imperial Pigeon (Flickr's Explore)
~Cess~: Perdrix grise - Perdix perdix - Grey Partridge ~ Explored ~
dmunro100: Up close
Jimages2view: Bank Vole.....still for a second !
glloydholmes: 20240203-_DSC0910 - Raccoon (in explore)
Chri-stian: Dalmatian Pelican - Hip hip hooray 😀
rogercollorick: Short eared owl
Wayne24185071: The Redshank.
monte stinnett: White tailed kites