ddsiple: Tucker watching a deer
Dom Friday: Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, December 2015 issue. Ties that bind – An annual get-together is great, but maintaining a connection year-round has physical as well as emotional benefits
anna☆morosini: heartquake #9
anna☆morosini: stolen view.
barneymcgrew: on the fringe
Катя Смурага: Self-portrait with tulips, Minsk, May 2016
StrategieDerOrdnung: M. und Ingrid
Cristina Hoch: tropical breeze
maciek.zdun: Short autumn story
maciek.zdun: Good Friday
TimothyErickson1: Searching
TimothyErickson1: embodiment
stefano zerauschek: Snežnik, 1796m a.s.l., monte Nevoso in italian ("snowy mount" is the meaning in English); Internal Karst Region, Slovenija
Jeff Camphens: Look at the stars, look how they shine for you!
Kemerova: 45/52
Kemerova: 51/52
J 0 2 e: ^*^*^*
J 0 2 e: heart
J 0 2 e: eyes
J 0 2 e: life is beautiful
Cinema Saudades: Candid Street Portraits Series.