aleshurik: the moment of silence..
NURAY YUZBASI: solidarity in the city
Markus Schwarze: Shooting with Lil
Markus Schwarze: Kampagnenmotiv
* mateja *: Burrowing Owl
* mateja *: Love And Affection
* mateja *: At home, I love reaching out into that absolute silence, when you can hear the owl or the wind.
* mateja *: Roseate Spoonbill
* mateja *: Waiting for the male
* mateja *: Male is having a Feast up in the Tree
HM Wildlife: Hoverfly - Xanthogramma citrofasciatum
tho.pieper: Focus stacking Gerät - anschlussfertig für die Stackduino-Steuerung / Focus-stacking unit, ready for Stackduino
tho.pieper: Staphylinidae Kurzflügelkäfer-rove beetle
tho.pieper: Ephemeroptera/Fam. Baetidae Eintagsfliege / mayfly
Images by April: Pretty Protea
Images by April: Rise Above
Mandy Disher: Rock Jasmine
Thea Teijgeler: The Sharp London
Donald Jusa: Daddy Longlegs (Harvestmen) | Opiliones (Sundevall, 1833)
Thea Teijgeler: Selfie time
Thea Teijgeler: Made from St. Paul's Cathedral
Thea Teijgeler: My favorite place behind the window
Thea Teijgeler: London Eye
Thea Teijgeler: Sense of welcome
Thea Teijgeler: London Eye by rain
Thomas Shahan: Female Rabid Wolf Spider - Rabidosa rabida