nitinchandra: Look at all the pollen! - "Explored"
Chiew L: Short-eared Owl
John David Murphy: Golden Eagles, Female left male right.
Brian + H & H: Standing Proud
graehammounteney: Marsh Tit. Calke Abbey Park, Derbyshire. DSC_2328.jpg
Dave Stargazer: Won't Get Fooled Again
Joe Allen Photography: Roadside Hawk
elipson1: Swallow-tailed bee-eater
CecilieSonstebyPhotography: Stay away (in Explore)
phil winter: Fox (Vulpes vulpes)
Michelle Hang Bui: _DSC4561 _ Bobcat
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Hen Harrier (URN: 2725)
marieroy0808: Lagopède des Saules - Willow Ptarmigan
MindfulnessArt: In the eyes of the winds
hunt.keith27: Nuthatch - (Sitta europaea)
Martin Bärtges: The glittering world of ice crystals after a starry night
zoomleeuwtje: View of Gorcum
jt893x: American Goldfinch
Jacques GUILLE: La star du mois
ricardo00: burrowing owl waking up
David Brooker: Barn owl, male
David Brooker: Short eared owl
David Brooker: Short eared owl
Stefano B.54: Poiana - Buteo buteo
Ted Smith 574: ‘Coming to get you!’ Steller’s Sea Eagle.
jackez2010: Moineau_A912684_DxO