Earl Reinink: Morning song
Randy Lowden: Common Grackle
NettyA: Jokulsarlon sunrise panorama
bernieboutin: Frosty and Foggy X
Charlaine Jean: Colibri en Équateur- Ecuador's hummingbird
Earl Reinink: Whoo gives a hoot...
pongo 2007: Day One
Ozzy Delaney: Electric Bottles
mgirard011: Chute du Grand-Sault
Debby Cold: Blue Mood
pete.rigby: Social distancing
pete.rigby: The wood for the trees
hmvklei: World ship
Beetlebomb Pohutukawa: AI-Generated: Mars, Anyone?
Suzanne's stream: the old cottage
MichelGuérin: Photo originale et photo avec AI
Sylvain Prince: Canard branchu ♂ (Wood duck)
Earl Reinink: Blackpoll Warbler
Sylvain Prince: Grèbe esclavon (Horned grebe)
Charlaine Jean: La saison prismacolore !
Amy Hudechek Photography: Fall Color in Maine
Bill Bowman: The Autumn Leaves
Earl Reinink: Yellow-rumped Warbler
karinavera: Istanbul
yan08865: Greenland's icebergs
Christoph Fischer: Highly Effective Tips for Powerful Wide Angle Images!
bernieboutin: Poplar tree
bernieboutin: Autumn Willow
leendert3: An elephant get-together