Gaurav Agrawal @ San Diego: Back off! In Explore August 12th 2016
Jesse_in_CT: "High Alert" (Long-Eared Owl)
Mathulak: Cullemu quassu ? (Corsica)
Hockey.Lover: Sitting on an umbel
Through The Big Lens: Common Yellowthroat warbler (male)
Peter Stahl Photography: Yellow Warbler
gseloff: Wheels Down
fra298: Chevreuil européen ♀ (Capreolus capreolus) [uncropped]
Thy Photography: Least Tern feeding time
Jeff Dyck: Lewis's Woodpecker - Nemesis Bird!
gseloff: Curve Ahead
Ken Phenicie Jr.: Anna's Hummingbird Leucistic
Sed Navs: Blue Grosbeak, ♂
J.Perianes: Iris germanica
Sed Navs: Northern Cardinal, ♂
the waterfallhunter: Meigs Falls
Foto Martien: The beautiful eyes of the eagle owl
isaac.borrego: Garden of the Gods
Ken Phenicie Jr.: Sandhill Crane family
Richard Larssen: They are cute in that age
Peter Stahl Photography: Common Nighthawk
PeterBrannon: Prothonotary Warbler
PeterBrannon: Mirrored Madness
isaac.borrego: McClure Pass
Through The Big Lens: Anna's hummingbird, male
Simon Théberge: Chevalier solitaire / solitary sandpiper
PeterBrannon: Baby Barred