Suelen Miranda: Casamento
Suelen Miranda: (trash in the dress)
Suelen Miranda: (trash in the dress)
Suelen Miranda: (trash in the dress)
Suelen Miranda: (Casamento)
Suelen Miranda: (Casamento)
WernerKrause: hideaway
GuteFee: Seiltanz, kein Problem! - Tightrope Dance, No Problem!
D Budd: Honey Bee
GOOD•NEWS•SNAPS: b r a n c h • r o a d
John Finney: Helm Crag Twilight
Larry Hennessy: Barred Owl Close-up
Gary Fairhead: Late Light Snowy
marcuspusch: Herkules (Steinkauz) stare down ;-)
.rog3r1: Uhu (Bubo bubo)
foxylady29 Carole Fox: Very pale Barn Owl male
Photos by Dennis Swayze: Eastern Screech Owl
waynecleevely: D3N_6192
Atrapallum: Atrapallum
Jr Silgueiro: Ailton Pescador
Jr Silgueiro: Para ti
Jr Silgueiro: Manso e leve
Victoria.....a secas.: Contemplando el amanecer.
Fausto Faé: 2013-11-16 - Zooparque - Itatiba - SP - Savacu
ulutase: IMG_2787