NIKOS MANN: Euclid Beach Elder
O V E R U N D E R: Holy Cow, Varanasi, India
O V E R U N D E R: Northeast Afghanistan
LeonKa –Kafre–: Stigme and Leon Ka. ABRAKADABRA. Barcelona. Spain
LeonKa –Kafre–: Aristotelian's Tragedy
MNRails Productions: CEFX 1040 Fog
Harlequinade Art: The wonderful phase of a drawing where you totally hate it but already invested too much time to abandon it
oboudiold: 1976 002 -me ( oboudi ) ( left) with two friends in front of the Pyramid 1976 .
SDfourD: G-CSXMNS4-01A
carnagenyc: Droid Touch Repht Aires
394729184757826: wake up-
NEAR Zine: LaGrange
Miss.LU: 2009-11-17_100410
Javier Piragauta: Duerme negrito. Inconciente, subconciente, conciente (Collage digital)
laprisamata: Naturaleza Muerta 1
Skid Markz: Fallbridge Sunset
kudaphoto: pinhole ( ° )
LadyBench: Neato
~Ride Dirty or Die~: Time to call it a night and fire up the wood burning stove.
394729184757826: schneiders