394729184757826: moving on..
394729184757826: in the Cajon
394729184757826: still here, ridin around
394729184757826: cognitive dissonance, Arkansas
394729184757826: upstate mood
394729184757826: some place between here and there
394729184757826: "where's that 364?" this'll do....
394729184757826: a broken train
394729184757826: nice dogs
394729184757826: home for the night
394729184757826: thee spot
394729184757826: the king
394729184757826: "same old city with a different name"
394729184757826: summer in the midwest
394729184757826: the cutest little tunnel
394729184757826: Will's shed
394729184757826: down the line
394729184757826: A quiet time
394729184757826: down there by the train
394729184757826: a quick spin to calm my mind
394729184757826: graintrain
394729184757826: peace in Comitan, Chiapas, MX
394729184757826: controlled chaos, Huehuetenango, GT
394729184757826: time traveling
394729184757826: foggy night
394729184757826: Zunil, GT