AchimOWL: Humus Produzent - Kugelspringer (Dicyrtomina saundersi)
AchimOWL: Dicyrtomina ornata forma couloni - Kugelspringer - Collembola
koen_jacobs: Rolerblader
Claus Steindl: Heart of Orion - M78 to M42
Marie.L.Manzor: "Up Up and away" Buzz Lightneer
michael doe (Project Maratus): Maratus volans dancing on braken fern
Doundounba: Angel of Grief
Brian who is called Brian: Galactic center over Ahu O'rongo
Bonnie And Clyde Creative Images: Daybreak Over the Sea
CraigGoodwin2: Priest Lake Aurora Milky Way Re-edit
Reverse-Macro: Jumping Spider
artjom83: Celestial Guidance
Maxwel Rocha: A natural drama: crab spider captures a glasswing butterfly
Adolf Abi-Aad: Macro Photography
le cabri: Gold and green
Feriel. L: Oxalis pes-caprae
tomohiko_abe: さくらで滲む
jim8kong: DSC_0147
Colin Hutton Photography: Robber Fly - Stichopogon abdominalis
radio4: Tired Kitty
Glenn van Windt: Autumn leaves 4
jim8kong: DSC_0100
omtelsimon: my macro world Nov 2013.
michael doe (Project Maratus): maratus volans (male)
ClumpusJim: The Aurora Borealis
Anna Kwa: At Last I See The Light
khalidmat: just flower
Donald Jusa: After Reborn