stampqnjlr: Fall pillow finished
oma Tam: reverse side of my Cotton & Steel tote bag
karriofberries: The front...
oma Tam: The cute drawstring pouch I received from Ruth!
Lostinoz1966: Mini QT Swap - Extra
Coser Tejer Crear: #polaroidshadowminiquilt #htWIPit Yeap, one is in progress of being finished. #rainbowminiteamred Partner, how about this pattern with fabrics you like?
elnorac: Drunkards Path Baby Quilt
Jeni Baker | In Color Order: Waxed Canvas Duffle Bag
elnorac: First #daintytote, made at #sdmqgretreat2015, using free tutorial on @three_owls' blog, Three Owls Handmade. #softandstable gives it great body, and #cottonandsteel selvages make it colorful. #patchwork #パッチワーク #pouch #ポーチ #quilt #ソーイング #ちくちく #tot
aquilterstable: Linen cocktail napkins
oma Tam: Residenz at Wurzburg
oma Tam: a tiny Monkey Makes Three keyring pouch
Gingermelon: snowbies
Granny Maud's Girl: Selvedge Vinyl Pouch
karriofberries: Rainbow Mini Quilt Round 2 Inspriation
oma Tam: mini raspberry kisses- all finished!
oma Tam: goody goody binding kit
woodponddesigns: Autumn Appliqued Tree Pillow
Betsy Bubblegum: IG Miniswap quilt
bettinalll: Bubble bee
Cut To Pieces: Hexagon Christmas Tree Skirt
Cut To Pieces: The Plaid Baby eye spy love
Cut To Pieces: The Plaid Baby eye spy love
Cut To Pieces: Manners and Manors
Cut To Pieces: Manners and Manors
Cut To Pieces: 318 Patchwork Halloween Bunting
oma Tam: a bit of a sneak peak of the extra
aquilterstable: SMQG BOM medallion quilt in progress
Laura VanVleet: Mini QT - received!
elnorac: So fast, so fun!