kalteisella: Wilde Bisons
"santiago": Castelsardo
wil.leurs333: Wood anemone, Anemone nemorosa
kalteisella: Wilde Bisons
Anatoliy Vityuk: Proserpinus proserpina. Бражник Прозерпіна
Anatoliy Vityuk: Hemaris tityus. Бражник Скабіозовий
Andreas Wobig: Mandelsporiger Olivschnitzling (Simocybe reducta)
albertmohnen: Nala (6765)
kalteisella: Mäusebussard
don yurewicz: Wetland fall colors. DSC_2623-E3
don yurewicz: No one fights as gracefully as two egrets in the air. or May I have this dance please?
Martin Hall Photos: White light
lil.ly: Catelluccio 23
Jérôme DUPUY: Sérénité
Camaroney: pont de Gau
paul cools: 24 12 28 grote brogel zw 019
rvk82: About to land....
creaturesnapper: Pompeius Skipper --- Pompeius pompeius
"santiago": Llac Te Anau
Gianluigi Roda Photography: Il cervo e la luna d'ottobre
Diney Pau: woman
RJSchutDigitaal: Klaverblauwtje - Mazarine Blue - Rotklee-Bläuling - Cyaniris semiargus
Kimmo Järvinen: European robin
Jonathan Woodland: Slo Mo , BC , Canada.
dmnq_fenot: Invitation
peterschmidt2711: Vanessa cardui
NPPhotographie: bei Carpin