Mark LLanuza: CNW F-units at Clinton Jct Wis Oct 1979
wood-carver: Hot Time At Clyman
The Weed Route: Beverly, Washington. The Abandoned Milwaukee Road Depot. Fairmont Speeder Trip, August 1980
DJ shekky: face-out DPU no.2
Mark LLanuza: Milwaukee Rd MP-15's at Bensenville IL 1976
Mark LLanuza: Rock Island GP-9 at Chillicothe IL 1977
wood-carver: A Gift Of Light
montanatom1950: Ponderosa Pine. Montana
BJKrotzman: Harbinger of Spring
blair.kooistra: Dead Freight East at east switch Hyak, WA October 13, 1979
binsiff: CP 1401
montanatom1950: Seen in Terry,Montana
blair.kooistra: Oily, grungy, industrial glory
wood-carver: Switching Seasons
Hoist!Man: E&LS 1224
dolorix: St. Patricks Rock Cashel
davidwilson1949: 20080827 22 Western Railway Museum, Rio Vista Jct., California
davidwilson1949: 20080827 21 Western Railway Museum, Rio Vista Jct., California
soo6000: Soo Line 1003 east in Sharon, Wisconsin on August 11, 2017.
blair.kooistra: Train #200 crests the Cascades, Hyak, Washington, October 7, 1978
blair.kooistra: Light engines leaving Kittitas in a hurry! February 16, 1980.
blair.kooistra: Dead Freight East, Beverly, Washington
enenquack: Powder River, Wyoming, 18 June'87
JacobChgo99: "The North Local"
Metra 614: Engineering Special
2c..: Abandoned Station, Moate, Co Westmeath, Ireland.
2c..: Abandoned Station, Pettigo
bcrnfan: RI 17159
Moffat Road: Helena switch out on the main