johngushue: A sunroof-open kind of day.
johngushue: A Morning Show (& co) selfie. L-R: me, Jen, Ariana, Caroline, Nancy, Anthony, Cecil and Adam. Taken a couple of weeks ago.
johngushue: From Monday, Anthony Germain in his St. Patrick's scarf.
johngushue: A beautiful sunny day in St. John's for the first day of spring. Now, we just have to get rid of the snow!
johngushue: You can never have too much bitters.
johngushue: From yesterday: lovely blue sky on top, wretchedly massive blob of white on bottom.
johngushue: Mike, Jonathan and Ryan, on a coffee run during Tuesday's storm. Gotta have caffeine!
johngushue: Martha and me, photographed this weekend by our son. @socialnotes
johngushue: The little piggie (at Blue on Water)
johngushue: Currently reading.
johngushue: I'm thinking a I Survived Winter 2014 T-shirt like this classic may be in order.
johngushue: The amazing egg that the Newfoundland Chocolate Company made for the St. John's Morning Show. Great details!
johngushue: Nick puts my chin into position. Taken a couple of evenings ago.
johngushue: Frost on the hedge, quickly melting. It crackles when the wind rises.
johngushue: 'It takes a village. Of liars.' Poster for The Grand Seduction.
Richard-Krawczyk: Never take anything for granted. Something or someone that is here today can be gone tomorrow. #gratitude #life #happiness
MattsLens: "PureMichigan" shot with an iPhone 4S at Lake Michigan.
salah286: #nireland #air #show #portrush
salah286: #nireland #air #show #portrush
mindykoch1: Traveling cat found his sleeping spot
mindykoch1: Red Flower
mindykoch1: Pink Flower
mindykoch1: Flowers
salah286: #nireland #portrush beach
salah286: #kids #fun time
salah286: #fun #time
aureate79: HeArtSun
aureate79: I HeArt
aureate79: Your Love is better than ice cream :)