johngushue: Hyde Park, London
johngushue: Daunt Books, London
johngushue: Martha and John are having a late-afternoon stroll downtown. Supper coming up. We're lucky.
johngushue: A four-pen kind of day. (With earbuds.)
johngushue: A Graystone IPA is my drinking buddy tonight.
johngushue: A whole lot of water in that river, Fredericton.
johngushue: A benefit of working in Montreal for a few days last week: catching up with colleague Loreen Pindera.
johngushue: The artwork at the Starbucks in the Avalon Mall.
johngushue: Very nice of Montreal to lay out some fog this morning to make a St. John's kid feel at home.
johngushue: Doing some work in Montreal this week. A perk: getting to walk through the city.
johngushue: The best lamb stew, bubbling away on the stove. A great supper is close at hand.
johngushue: My dinner companion tonight. #roadwarrior #traininglife
johngushue: Squinted, but could not see Rick Mercer on top of the CBC broadcast centre.
johngushue: Great walk this afternoon, but parts of the trail are definitely less spring-like than others. #nlwx
johngushue: The Arts & Admin building at Memorial University, from earlier this week. #memorialuniversity #yyt #stjohns #stjohnsnl #nfld #newfoundland #709 #newfoundlandandlabrador #trees
johngushue: Too beautiful not to enjoy a walk in the fresh air. #nlwx
johngushue: Still some ice cover on Kent's Pond .. hopefully for not much longer. #nlwx
johngushue: Quite a lot of runoff at Middle Cove Beach. #nlwx
johngushue: All. The. Booze. Amathus (the Soho shop in London is shown here) is one of my favourite places to indulge my fascination with spirits and cocktails. Great to learn something new, and the staff are impressive. #latergram #london #london #liquor #cocktail
johngushue: Came across these mounted police officers in London.
johngushue: Yo, Toronto.
johngushue: The first Peter Pan statue, in Hyde Park, during a break from a stream of well-wishers a week ago.
johngushue: I found the exhibition on Emma Hamilton at London's National Maritime Museum captivating. It's a story told in film and literature before .. but a re-appraisal is due.
johngushue: What's new, pussycat? A decoration seen on a gate in the City, London. Rather elegant!
johngushue: Came across a tree with character during a stroll in Hyde Park last weekend.
johngushue: A dragon we met on the road. Polite, and didn't say much. #london #hamptoncourt #dragon #dragons #hamptoncourtpalace #uk
johngushue: A rather cheeky bit of writing in The Times today.
johngushue: British bulldog, charging ahead. One of many historical figureheads salvaged and on display at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, London.
johngushue: Camden Town is a hoot to walk around, even if a lot of the vendors are selling junk.