Retro Mama69: Sindy Pedigree
Valériane Leblond: Stir — Remuer — Troi
sandiv999: Russell & Hinrichs Associates
red cheeks factory: a face a day_364
SportSuburban: Boulevard Fashions by Bernat 1962
Shailesh Chavda: Czech matchbox label
mrwaterslide: Picture Records, A School Photo Album, First Page
VEB Zardoz the Gravyboat: St Fagans Old School (literally) Photography - Zeiss Ikonta 521/2 6x9
doe-c-doe: vintage-airplane-illustration
Harry Scheihing: no sé como llamarle Gracias!
Handmade Nation!: Lisa Solomon
thrifty_misspriss: baby frames
d e b b i e: musical instruments
ancama_99(toni): Torre Eiffel.-
wardomatic: Teen-age Dance Book
wardomatic: When Children Start Dating 1
Xosé Castro: Buttons galore! Millones de botones.
. M a r t @ . ♦♦: Catchy Colors
eric Hews: perspective
A.Cross (a través): GOLPEAR (acciòn dada en un futuro)
A.Cross (a través): Observaciones Desnudas
-Kilgore Trout-: scribble
Gray!: I have few friends
Gray!: let your feeling GET OUT