sandiv999: Re-Entry Cone by Noguchi 1970.
sandiv999: Cool mystery estate sale find. A Hans Bølling-style duck transistor radio.
sandiv999: Collecting goals this year are divest of the pedestrian and find interesting shapes. This ikebana piece satisfies the latter directive.
sandiv999: The guest room aka the constantly changing gallery of finds.
sandiv999: Fantoni cave family, cartoon meets clay.
sandiv999: It's fitting that my reading chair casts a heart-shaped shadow, as books were my first love.
sandiv999: The 1964 thermostat sets the tone for this corner of the room.
sandiv999: Three years ago I snapped up ten yards of fabric designed by Jenn Ski. Last summer I found a seamtress to turn my ideas for a bed cover and curtains I to a reality. Today I finally got to see the finished product. Yay!
sandiv999: The owl and the pussycat. Owl is by Ernesto Gonzalez Jerez. Cat a mystery but style is remarkably similar, right down to the blue-green resin eyes.
sandiv999: A new brushed gold frame for this 1970s screen print by Oregon artist Robert Mulder. Ticking all the boxes with weird heads, metallics and rainbow stripes.
sandiv999: Pottery by Chalice of California, early 1950s. I'm a sucker for a figural abstract
sandiv999: I've been enamored with the work of Attilio Salemme (1911-1955) since I saw the 1960s cover of Brave New World. While an original oil is waaay out of my reach, this 1952 pen sketch wasn't. What can I say, I love anthropomorphic protractors. Title of the p
sandiv999: Orange and turquoise, the winning combination.
sandiv999: This brass deer sculpture is the closest to holiday decorating you'll see from me.
sandiv999: Found a proper place for the typographic artwork.
sandiv999: Large enamel.and copper plate by Edward Winter. The color and the Lucienne Day-like pattern spoke to me.
sandiv999: Typographical bonanza. Vintage printing block artwork in a teak frame. Neato.
sandiv999: Pulled yesterday's surprise find out into the front yard for a photo in the sunlight. Work look familiar to anyone? No discernable signature or mark on the base.
sandiv999: And now I, too, have an Etsy shop.
sandiv999: Task, donate unused but useful items to worthy nonprofit. Done. Since I'm out and about, l stop in to say hello to my favorite vintage shop dogs. And...I come home with this monumental sculpture. I can only say in my defense it was a ridiculous score, own
sandiv999: Nifty little cast metal sculpture. In the background is a piece by Bennet Norrbo, one of Portland's "Mad Men" who later turned to painting.
sandiv999: Graphic Design Britain 70. Cover design by Roger Edwards.
sandiv999: Owl by Ernesto Gonzalez Jerez. This one has been on my gotta have list for a long time.
sandiv999: Found this curious little creature yesterday, it's titled Maybe Tomorrow. There's information on the bottom of the piece, it's by Donald Tracy for the TACA Fall Show, 1957 or 1967 (ink is blurry).
sandiv999: Pocket-sized brutalist sculpture.
sandiv999: Ducked into an antique mall to wait out heavy rain and left with this little treasure. Now to suss out the artist.
sandiv999: Pompeii III by Dorothy Yezerski
sandiv999: The greens. Italian pottery, goblet a Central Oregon thrift store find, NW crafts dish and a Jaru piece. Painting is Monts D'Auvergne by Villemot, 1965.
sandiv999: The oranges Italian pottery and a late 1960s painting by Charles Smith.
sandiv999: Color for Architecture, 1976.