Chantal Jacques Photography: Bar-tailed Godwit
bobmullen777: Marbled Godwit 12-22-2024
Claire Dumont et Pierre Rainville: Merlebleu de l'Est / Eastern Bluebird / (Sialia sialis)
Thy Photography: Western Screech Owl
Tim Lindstedt: Hawk owl in spruce top
Teone!: THE WASH
Teone!: Tortolini
Teone!: To the top
Marie Brown Cottage Garden: Tulips - Still life
letombe.elisabeth: MARTIN PECHEUR
letombe.elisabeth: tourterelle turque
letombe.elisabeth: couple de martin pecheur
letombe.elisabeth: LEPTURE TACHETE
letombe.elisabeth: azuree brun
Gogolac: Maroíta, (Contopus hispaniolensis), Hispaniolan Pewee
Gogolac: Cervera, Brown Noddy (Anous stolidus stolidus) mtecristi_Cervera-5426
jumutianarti: რაბათის ციხე / Rabati Castle
jumutianarti: ენგურჰესი / The Enguri Dam is a hydroelectric dam on the Enguri River
jumutianarti: ხედი ნოღას ციხიდან / View from the Nogha Fortress
jumutianarti: Mtskheta. Svetitskhoveli Cathedral
jumutianarti: ნისლიანი ხიდი
jumutianarti: ზღვის პანკრაცია ანუ ზღვის შროშანი (Pancratium maritimum L.)
Marie Brown Cottage Garden: American Robin eating berries
Marie Brown Cottage Garden: Baltimore Oriole on Oregon Grape Berries
Marie Brown Cottage Garden: Foggy morning Canadian Geese
josedeoliveiraveiga19: Oporto (Porto) - Portugal