Ani Trone: DSC_8877
Ani Trone: Getting familiar with the XF50mm 1.0
lmmalmberg: 0265_009
Mel Diotte: eastern screech owl
Ani Trone: _DSC0945
Esteban Dupinet: DSC_9811
Aristides Díaz: El rebaño
Colin McIntosh: Z62_2912: Bird bath ice bubbles
Bill Bowman: Turbulent landing
Ani Trone: _DSC1136
Ani Trone: DSC_4753
Only_to_be_kind: Green shoulder
Only_to_be_kind: Sliver of water
Only_to_be_kind: Splash of red
Only_to_be_kind: Open Eye
Ani Trone: DSC_0649
Bill Bowman: Butte-ification
F VDS: Chlorophyll
l i v e l t r a: the return of the duck hunters
Alicja Zmysłowska: Autumn Fox
frankmetcalf: Cheetah in the evening sun
Carlos M. M.: Carretera de Ansó a Linza (Huesca-España)
felicefelines: A Cat's Vision (BW)
david.tormey: Diogo's 993 GT2
sfPhotogrphr: eye - 176/365 (shallow focus)
Bill Bowman: Deceptive warmth
Kevin Tataryn: After The Rain
jeremycliff: Porsche 911R x 2