cmcpherson687: April Birding, Beaver Brook Trails, Hollis NH
cmcpherson687: Rough-legged Hawk
cmcpherson687: Common Buteos of New Hampshire
cmcpherson687: Magnolia Warbler song variation
cmcpherson687: Savannah Sparrow (Ipswich) Woodmont Orchard Hollis NH
Steve Mirick: Me and Kujo
Len Medlock: _MG_0190
Steve Mirick: Semipalmated Sandpiper - leucistic - 7
Steve Mirick: Bullock's Oriole - New Castle - 020120 - 1
Steve Mirick: Dovekie - Odiorne - 1
Steve Mirick: 2019 Christmas Card
Steve Mirick: Western Tanager - 121519 - 2
JLambert614: Green-tailed Towhee
Scott A. Young: Brambling
KyleWilmarth: "Rocky" the Iceland Gull over the years
cmcpherson687: Saw-whet - Screech Owl Boxes ready for deployment! (1 of 1)
Len Medlock: FU3A0081
Len Medlock: FU3A0226
Len Medlock: FU3A0337
Steve Mirick: Denny Abbott and I
Jim Sparrell: American White Pelican
Jim Sparrell: Red and Green for Xmas
Steve Mirick: American White Pelcan - 121418 and Denny Abbott.
Steve Mirick: American White Pelcan - 121418 - 1
Steve Mirick: Cliff Swallow - 111118 - 4
Steve Mirick: Golden-crowned Kinglet - 1
Steve Mirick: Northern Parula - 2
Steve Mirick: Tennessee Warbler - 111118 - 4
Steve Mirick: Monarch - 1