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albums of Brian Wadie Photographer
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Nikon P950 tests
garden October 2024
Return of the RX-10 mk4
Examples of images using the 75-300mk2 on OM-1 mk2
more examples of the OM-1 mk2 in use
OM 90mm macro experiments
First garden shots from 2024
Early tests with the OM systems OM-1 mk2
First sighting in 25 years!
A return to art after 50+ years
experiments with lighter lenses
front garden 24-5-23
Beau, our new Rescue cat
First tests of OM-1 + PL100-400
Testing the 2X digital Teleconverter on the Olympus OM-1 + 40-150f4 pro
Butterflies & Moths in 2022
single point Ai with caf and procap, shooting birds within foliage
Grumpy teenage Great tit
Bumble feeding on Salvia using the OM-1 + Panasonic 50-200
ON-1 AI noise reduction tests
Testing a "new to me" Panasonic 50-200 f2.8 - f4 on my EM-1 mk3
Bees in the garden 2022
tests of Panasonic 50-200 on EM-1 mk3
Feeding time for a Goldfinch fledgling
OM-1 + 40-150 f4 pro single point Bird AI
Whack-a-mole birds in flight shoot with OM-1 + 40-150 f4 pro
First tests of birds in flight using the OM-1 and 40-150 f4 pro
Experiment Shooting bees using Bird AI with the smallest focus point
First testing of the new Olympus OM-1
First tests of the Olympus 40-150 f4 pro
Olympus EM-1X with Olympus 100-400
Avon Beach action am 12-2-22
30 minutes of action from Avon Beach,6-2-22
Olympus 100-400 on EM-5 mk3
Avon Beach Action 27-10-21
Avon Beach Action 19-10-21
Avon Beach action 3-10-21
Hugh's Birthday Tour - at home
Testing Tamron 18-400 on Canon M50
The Wilshires visit to Wadie Towers
Our rear garden as first built in 1997
Rear Garden in July 2021
A record of aggression between two male Oedemera nobilis on a Rockrose
Megachile species bee pollen collecting
Bugs, bees and butterflies 2021
Delores shoot 4-6-21
Osmia bicornis egg laying in bee hotel 30-5-21
Hairy footed Spring Flower Bee (female) proboscis in action
Garden fledglings
Avon Beach action shot using the Canon SX70
bugs, bees and butterflies in flight
Jeanette fun pics
Delores test using Canon m6ii
first proper macro shoot of 2021
1st test of R6 + RF 600 + 1.4X TC
Early Spring 2021
Canon 100-400 mk2 + canon 2XTC mk3 on canon mirrorless bodies
Bees in flight
Avon Beach am 11-3-21 using the RF600 on my R6
Hengistbury Head visit today with the R6 and RF600
First BIF tests with RF 600 on R6
First tests of the canon rf600 on the R6
Garden Birds in late Feb
first tests of canon 70-300 LIS USM on m6ii
Testing Canon R6 AI eye focus
First test with canon R6 + 100-400mk2
Wing Sailing off Avon Beach 2-2-21
Canon R + 100-400 mk2 + Viltrox adapter Day 2
Canon R high ISO tests to 12800
Canon R + Viltrox ef - rf adapter 1st tests
First attempts at hand-holding Canon D90 + 100-400 mk2
Raised Bed project visits on 18-1-2021
phase 3 of garden shooting table
New Project - raised garden shooting platform
Blackcap feeding on the seeds of our dwarf Crab Apple
ISO 6400 birds via DXO-4 deep prime
Squirrel with canon m6ii + 100-400 mk2
first tests canon 90D + 100-400 mk2
raw burst experiments with m6ii + 100-400mk2
first test canon m6ii + canon 100-400mk2 (used)
Avon Beach 19-12-20 better conditions
Avon Beach Action 18-12-20, in foul conditions
Birding in foul weather with the m6ii + sigma 150-6oo, through double glazing
First test of the Canon m6ii + sigma 150-600C windsurfing off Avon Beach, 13-12-120
Canon m6ii + sigma 150-600 tested on Avon Beach today
more tests of Olympus Bird AI focus
stage 2 testing M6ii + sigma 150-600
first tests of Canon M6ii + sigma 150-600C
early tests of bird AF on EM-1X + 300f4 pro
Happiness is a Dog on the Beach with a Ball
ISO3200 images processed using Deep Prime noise reduction in DXO 4
Action from a Grey Avon Beach 18-11-20
Avon Beach 15-11-2020 morning shift
Using the "Heavy Rig" to capture action from Avon Beach 30-10-20
Sparrow action using my newly developed "Heavy Rig"
First time on Avon Beach since my surgery 4 weeks ago
First tests of my EM-1X + Olympus 100-400
Trying different sharpening routines
Shake tests with Olympus 100-400
Olympus 100-400 on EM-1 mk3, more tests
a few shots hand-held from Mudeford Harbour 10-9-20
Hand-holding session at Tuckton Bridge, EM-1mk3 + Oly 100-400
Hugh's first Birthday
A wander about Mudeford Harbour with the EM-1 mk3 + Oly 100-400
reprocessed images from Poole 100 29-8-20
early testing of Olympus 100-400 on EM-1 mk3
Windsurf action off Southbourne beach 10-11 on 29-6-202 from the Cliff top
Wind and Kite surf action off Avon Beach 27-6-2020
Kite Surfing Action of Avon Beach 27-6-2020
Southbourne Beach windsurfing shot from the clifftop 22 & 23 May 2020
Common Carder Bee proboscis in action
Matt and Amanda's Wedding at The Tree House Alnwick
Our garage conversion to new study bedroom
More tests with EM-1 mk2 + 300f4 pro+ mc-14 and mc-20
Windsurfing action of Avon Beach during the "Son of Brendan" storm 14-1-2020
Initial tests of Olympus 300f4 pro on EM-1mk2
Rob & Sarah pics
Russell Thornton in action off Avon Beach 26-10-19
Windsurfing Action off Avon Beach 26-10-19
Heat 1 11.15 off Boscombe Beach
11.55 Thundercat race 12-10-19
Thundercat Racing off Boscombe Beach from12.35 12-10-19
Kevin Cortial off Southbourne 4-1019
Windsurf action off Southbourne 4-10-19
Anthony Bilhaut off Avon Beach September 2019
Sony RX100vi first tests
Paper'n'Paint 2019
EM-1 mk2 with 40-150 pro + MC-20 Avon Beach Windsurfing
Wind and kite surf images shot using the EM-1mk2 with 50-200 SWD and EC-20
Cowes torquay and Cowes Poole Cowes boats passing Boscombe Pier 25-8-2019
First tests of close range shooting with MC-20 on Olympus EM-1 mk2 with 40-150 pro
RIAT 20-7-19 images
Speckled Wood butterfly show using sigma 150 f2.8 macro (4/3rds fitting) + EC-20 on EM-1 mk2
West Bay ORCDA Powerboats heat 1 7-7-19
West Bay ORCDA event 7-7-19 Freestyle
Poole Bay 100 9-6-2019
Jurassic Park at Chester Zoo 2016
12-200 more testing
A walk around Mudeford Quay with the 12-200 on the EM-1 mk2
Day 2 testing the Olympus 12-200 on the EM-1 mk2 - Hengistbury Head
First tests using the Olympus 12-200 on the EM-1 mk2
Butterfly in Flight with a sigma 150 f2.8 4/3rds on the EM-1 mk2
Low Impact Gardening
Great Creste Grebe Dance 30-4-19
Storm Hannah Windsurf Action off Southbourne Beach 27-4-19
Sam Stevens wave riding off Southbourne 27-4-19
Will Graham Foiling of Avon Beach 15-4-19
Small buzzy things shot using the Sony RX10 mk4
Dartford Warbler on Hengistbury Head 13-4-19
Bird World Farnham Surrey 2-4-19
Large Beefly feeding and in flight
Storm Freya action off Avon Beach pt1
Storm Freya action off Avon Beach pt2
Black Kite locked claw dive at The Hawk Conservancy 27-2-19
Bees feeding and in flight EM-1 mk2 + 50mm f2 macro
Macro tests using the 4/3rds 50mm f2 on EM-1 mk2
Alistair 21-2-19
A wander around Moors Valley Country Park 15-2-2019
Julian King Wave Ride Avon Beach 9-2-19
Birding at Upton Country Park - Poole
Dan Wilson off Avon Beach 8-12-18
Julian King wave ride 8-12-18
Egret Action shot using the Sony RX10 mk4
Christchurch Priory
Dismount of the Day
Caroline Pics
Paper'n'Paint 2018
RX10 mk4 macro crops
Gybe Sequences
windsurfing off Avon Beach 11-9-2018
Poole powerboat race off Boscombe Pier 8-9-18
Bournemouth Air Festival 2018
2018 Cowes - Poole - Torquay restricted course race
Shooting a birds of prey display using the RX10-4
Windsurfing and kiting off Avon Beach 19-8-18
Ellingham Show 11-8-18
Shooting Windsurfing with the Sony RX10mk4
A few Froggie pics I managed to shoot today
Frogs in the Studio by Chi Wadie, aged 13 and a bit!
Paper'n'Paint 2018
RIAT 2018 Friday
Bee Proboscis Action
West Bay Aqua Adrenaline race 1 23-6-18
Aqua Adrenaline West Bay Race 1 23-6-18
Ringmer Park Gardens
Fortitudo Property Poole Bay 100 Offshore Powerboat race
Hoverflight experiments
Porthmeor Beach, St Ives surfing action 17-4-18
Newquay, Towan Beach Surfing 16-4-18
Fistral Beach Action, early morning 19-4-18
fd 300f4L on G9 day 2
Test shots from canon fd 300f4L + Panasonic G9 (via fotodiox adapter)
Sparrow Conflict at the Feeder
Avon Beach Windsurfing 14-3-18
Boris the French Bulldog
Goldfinch action
Greenfinch in dispute with Sparrow
Playing with EM-1 mk2 V2 firmware, Pro Cap H with 100-400
sequential shooting using the EM-1 mk2 + 40-150 pro
Sequential Shooting using the G9 + Olympus 40-150 pro
Goldcrest feeding in Rockrose
Avon Beach Action 10-2-2018
Panasonic G9 + PL100-400 tests with birding
Panasnic G9 + 100-400 Windsurfing
Action at the Bird Feeder
Panasonic G9 with PL100-400 Pre SH2 test
Spaniel Pup on Hengistbury Head, am 12-1-18
Windsurf action off Avon Beach 4-1-2018
Windsurfing Action off Avon Beach 3-1-2018
Harvest Mouse shoot
Blashford Lakes 28-11-17
Avon Beach Windsurf Festival 25-11-17
Avon Beach Windsurf Festival 24-11-17
John Wells - Avon Beach 21-10-17
Storm Riders Avon Beach 21-10-17
NG Road Racing Meet Thruxton 2017
Garden Orb Spider mating
Paper'n'Paint 2017
Doggy Paddle
Ellingham Show 2017
Olympus 30mm macro lens early tests
Crab Spider using EM-1 mk2 + metabones smart T with EF 70-200 F4L
Volucella zonaria - Hornet mimic Hoverfly
RIAT 2017 - Saturday 15-7-17
EM-1 mk2 + sigma 150 f2.8 macro APO DG HAS + metabones smart T EF- m4/3rds
Wool Carder Bees Return
Paper'n'Paint 2017
Avon Beach action 10-6- 2017
Kestrel Family Hengistbury Head 9-6-17
Hawk Conservancy Trust 76-7-17
Windurfing 5-6-17 10.30 - 12.00
Waddesdon Manor and Five Arrrows Hotel 24 to 25-5-17
Jetski fun 20-5-17 Boscombe Beach
Bulletproof #46 Martin Pullen, 20-5-17
Thundercat Bullet Proof, #46 with Martin Pullen
Thundercats Final race 21-5-17
Thundercats Boscombe 20-5-17 pt 2
Thundercat racing Boscombe Beach 20-45-17
Sparrow Soap - The Rival
Portmeirion 8-5-2017
Portmeirion through Llanberis pass
Bodnant to Portmeirion by coach
Avon Beach 5-5-17
Low Light photography using the EM-1 mk2 + 12-100 f4
Dean Dyson Troubadour
Bee fly
Hairy footed Spring Flower bee Anthophora plumipes
Linnets on Hengistbury Head 9-4-17
Andrew Chambers Avon Beach 20-3-17
Avon Beach Paddlers
Bugs Bees and Butterflies 2017
Hawk Conservancy 7-3-17 PM
Hawk Conservancy Trust 7-3-17
More from Marwell
Sleepy Cats
Tiger Play, Marwell 4-3-17
Windsurfing off Avon Beach 27-12-17
Windsurfng "Dismounts"
EM-1 mk2 low shutter speed images
Cornwall Feb 2016
Jitterbugjive 7-2-17
Jitterbugjive 2017
EM-1 mk2 + panasonic 100-400 using a flash extender
Dogs and other animals
Waders and other Coastal Birds
Chiffchaff Recovery with EM-1 mk2 + 12-100 f
unprocessed images
Swan tracking EM-1 mk2 + 12-100
Wagtails in my garden
Olympus 12-100 on EM-1 mk2 test shots
ISO 4000 test shots with EM-1mk2
Example of tracking using EM-1 mk2 + pansonic 100-400
Birds of Prey in flight with EM-1 mk2 + 100-400
Hengistbury Head Birds with EM-1mk2 + 100-400
David Ean Vicary Kite Surfing
Olympus EM-1 mk2 using CAF + TR for Birds in flight
EM-1 mk2 + panasonic 100-400 windsurf shoot Avon Beach 23-12-16
more testing with the EM-1 mk2 + various lenses
Early Tests with the EM-1 mk2
Upton Country Park Birds 30-11-16
Avon Beach Windsurfing 21-11-16
surfing off Boscombe Beach 20-11-16
Avon Beach Windsurfing 17-11-16
Birds and other Wildlife
Lukesland Visit 26-10-2016
Marijke 39.75th Birthday
NG Road Racing Thruxton Meeting 8/10/16
Marwell Zoo visit with Panasonic 100-400 on EM-1
P1 powerboat race 1
P1 Powerboats at Bournemouth 3-9-16 support races
Wildlife on Keyhaven Marsh 30-8-16
A move called "Vulcan"
Linda - more choices
Bournemouth Air Festival 19 and 21 August 2016
Avon Beach Action 20-8-16
test images from EM-1 + panasonic 100-400
examples from 7Dmk2 + EF-S 55-250 stm
LindyHop in Saxon Square 6-8-16
RIAT 9-7-16
Shih Tzu Leila at Tuckton
Testing metabones firmware v2.4 with EM-1 + EF400 f5.6L
Jurassic Park in Chester Zoo
Windsurfing off Avon Beach 29-6-16
Long range birding with 7Dmk2 + EF 400 f5.6L
Long range Birding with EM-1 + 400 f5.6L
A short trip to Devon
Paper'n'Paint 2016 Exhibition
Hairy-footed Spring Flower bee feeding
2 dogs, 1 ball Lyme Regis 5-5-16
Macro shooting 2016
Nuthatch Feeding in Ivy
Thundercat racing Bournemouth 17-4-16
Thundercats Bournemouth 17-4-16 Springer Pup with ball
Windsurfing using the Sigma C 150-600 on an Olympus EM-1
Bugs, Bees & Butterflies 2016
Birds in flight with sigma 150-600 C
Sigma C 150-600 test shots
Birds in Flight with 7Dmk2
Avon Beach Action 26-3-16
Upton Country Park 2016
7Dmk2 EF70-300 LIS work out at HCT 14-3-15
canon 7Dmk2 + EF70-300LIS first outing
Fluffy Puppy on Mudeford Quay
Hawk Conservancy 7-3-16
Hengistbury Head 2016
Hawk Conservancy Trust 23-2-16
Avon Beach Action 21-2-16
surfing off Bournemouth pier 9-2-16
Avon Beach Action 6-2-16
London Wetland Centre 30-1-16
Birds 2016
Blashford Lakes 2016
Avon Beach Action 31-12-15
Avon Beach Action 30-12-15
Avon Beach Action Boxing Day
Wildfowl & Waders at Keyhaven Marsh using canon 70-300 LIS on Olympus EM-1
Avon Beach Action 19-12-15
Testing the metabones adapter with canon 70-300 LIS
Testing the Metabones Smart T EF - M4/3rds adapter with EM-1 + 400 f5.6 L
Avon Beach boarding 12-12-15
Avon Beach Action 6-12-15
windsurfing 5-12-15 Avon Beach
Windsurf Action off Avon Beach 3-12-15
Battle of Britain Flight
Hedgehog for Nan
Amber 23-11-15
Rob & Sara, sunset + sunrise
Windsurf action on Avon Beach 18-11-15
The Hawk Conservancy 16-11-15
Windsurfing off Avon Beach 9-11-15
Francesca Lucia shoot 26-10-15
JitterbugJive at Priory Hall 22-9-2015
Freestyle loop sequence
P1 Powerboat racing at Bournemouth 12-9-15
Paper'n'Paint 2015
Amy Jane
Thundercats at Steamer Point 30-8-125 Long haul race pics
Thundercats Long Haul race Steamer Point 29-8-15
Surfing at Boscombe Pier 26-8-2015
Bournemouth Air Festival 21-8-2015
Bird of Prey studio 15th August 2015
Olympus EM-1 with 40-150 f2.8
NG Road Racing... Thruxton 25-7-2015
RIAT 19/7/15 shot using the Olympus 40-150 pro
Olympus EM-5 mk2 + 40-150 Pro with 1.4xTC
Amber 11-5-15
Macro with the EM-5 mk2 + 60mm macro
Torbay Eco Energies 5
Team Broadbean at Boscombe Beach 18-4-15
Team Endeavour Racing 20
Kingfisher Fire & Security at Boscombe 18-4-15
Racing Angels at Boscombe Beach 18-4-15
Team 33 Thundercat racing at Boscombe 18-4-15
new albumSailstyle - RK Marine #26 from 18-4-15
Bulletproof #46 at Boscombe Beach 18-4-15
Haggis Hunter racing with the Thundercats at Boscombe 18-4-15
Hoonigan # 4 at Boscombe Beach 18-4-15
Kingfisher Fire & Security - Thundercats Boscombe 18-4-15
Team Endeavour Racing 53 at Bournemouth Thundercats meet 18-4-15
Becky studio shoot 13-04-2015
Olympus EM-5 mk2 early days
Kimberely Shoot 16-3-15
Sarah Harris - Cabaret Singer
The Black Swan shoot
Panasonic fz1000 at Hawk Conservancy
Blashford Lakes Birds 26-1-2015
Redshank Mating
Panasonic fz1000 shoots along Avon Beach & Mudeford Harbour
FZ1000 goes Windsurfing
Marwell Zoo with the Panasonic FZ1000
Panasonic FZ1000 Early Tests
Beauty & the Beast
Testing a new Olympus 50-200 SWD on the EM-1
Brownsea Island 16-10-14
motorcycle racing using the Nikon 1 + 70-300CX
Windsurf action with the Nikon 1 V2 + 70-300 CX
Nikon 1 V2 on Holiday
Hawk Conservancy Trust with the V2 + 70-300 CX
Birds with the V2 + 70-300CX
Nikon 1 V2 + nikkor 1 70-300 CX
Nikon 1 V2 test images
Lauren with Bethan
Wimborne Grasstrack meet 17-08-14 500cc sidecars
Wimborne Grasstrack meet 17-8-14 - 100cc sidecars
Kites at the Hawk Conservancy
Zapcats Racing moments
West Bay Zapcat and OCR powerboat racing, West Bay 28-29/6/2014
Honey Bees
Wool Carder Bee
The FB Pocket Orchestra
Team 51 - Thundercats at Boscombe Beach
Thundercats, Boscombe 31-5-2014, updated
Olympus 50-200mk1 + EC-14 on EM-1
Chi at the Seaside
Devon County Show 23-5-2014
House Sparrow evicts House Martin from Nest
EM-1 with 50-200 mk1 firmware v1.4
Long Tailed Tits 2014
House Martins, Swallows & Swifts
Arundel Wetland Trust 2014
Olympus 50-200 mk1 + EC-14 tests
Christchurch Food Festival 2014
Blashford Lake Reserve 2014
Butterflies and Moths 2014
Olympus 50-200 ED mk1 testing
More Zapcatting at Sandbanks
Zapcats at Sandbanks 26-4-2014 Mel Pen
Macro with 10fps sequential flash
The Singing Mermaids
Bees of various kinds
Hawk Conservancy Trust 2014
Chiffchaff with injured leg
small buzzy things
canon fd 400mm f4.5 on EM-1 tests
Studio shoot with oly 12-40 f2.8 on EM-1
Favourite shots of 2013
Hawk Conservancy Trust 25-11-2013
Olympus EM-1 Bird Images
NG Track Meet Thruxton
Lanner Falcon taking and carrying the lure shot using the Olympus OM-d EM-1
Olympus OM-D EM-1 first images
Wimborne Masters Grass Track Meet 29-9-13
Dragon Flight