Brian Wadie Photographer: king vulture thru wire
Brian Wadie Photographer: milky eagle owl take off
Brian Wadie Photographer: milky eagle owl flight
Brian Wadie Photographer: tawny eagle passing in front of trees
Brian Wadie Photographer: Caracara approach f 2.8 150mm
Brian Wadie Photographer: I expect you are wondering why I called you here today
Brian Wadie Photographer: the wind beneath my wings
Brian Wadie Photographer: Vulture flight
Brian Wadie Photographer: Vulture flight 1
Brian Wadie Photographer: tawny eagle fly by bright sun
Brian Wadie Photographer: sweeny todd flyby
Brian Wadie Photographer: sweeny todd coming in to land
Brian Wadie Photographer: sweeny todd landed
Brian Wadie Photographer: peregrine strike at lure
Brian Wadie Photographer: kites waiting for food drop
Brian Wadie Photographer: inverted kite flight
Brian Wadie Photographer: inverted kite flight 1
Brian Wadie Photographer: black kite with food + airbrakes